Svpply - For Consumers!

If you like stuff, and if you like the internet, I highly recommend you mosey on over to

Svpply lets it's users flag products that appeal to them on any site in the interwebs through a handy web browser button addition. This allows us e-shoppers to compile a collection of all those wonderful frivolities we'd one day like to acquire without having to email ourselves, add browser bookmarks, or (god forbid) write it down on paper.

As an added bonus, Svpply let's users connect with their friends to check out all the hip crap they one day may add to their collection. And, if you're cool enough, the trendsters behind the scenes at Svpply may just aggregate some of your picks to the front page for all to appreciate. Currently Svpply is invite-only, but if you ask nice we may have a few invites of our own to dole out.

Be sure to check out the UI crew's collections here: Chaun's Svpply and Mike's Svpply