Well, South of Downtown, it’s been real, but we must move on… It’s movin’ day here at the old Urban Influence headquarters and we’ll almost surely miss you. We’ll almost miss endless train whistles and continuous semi-truck horn blarings–almost. We’ll sort of miss the rusty nails found in your dusty parking lots, plus all of the creative ways to get 20 yards at a time, coming back from a quick lunch in your endless gridlock. It’s almost been a blast watching all your interesting SODO folk wandering aimlessly along your eroding sidewalks, leaving behind so many meals in celebration of your dark corners. And finally, waiting for your one-car trains to slowly creep across your tracks, only to return to the exact same spot from which it came–it’s been real. So, here’s to you, Industrial District East, we’ll almost surely miss you.
EDIT: I realize I was being a bit harsh yesterday, maybe still venting from waiting for that one-car train to cross… I will miss the neon signs the most, Kitsap and Harborena–”you are always on my mind”.