
Why, thank you — Site of the Day from AWWWards.

Thank you, sir, may I have another?

Written by UI-Staff

Ah yes, this is what it tastes like — sweet success. The design and development team at Urban Influence has received the delightful acclaim known as Site of the Day from AWWWards. And turns out we’ve also received the prestigious Developer Award, to boot.

The mission of AWWWards is “to discover, recognize, and promote the talent and effort of web designers, developers, and agencies who create unique digital experiences that are useful, innovative, intuitive, and beautiful.”

So, thank you. Really. And it turns out the Urban Influence website will also see placement in the AWWWards 365 Best Websites Around The World annual book.

With the reception of this digital accolade (alongside several other big wins for the month) we are feeling like we’ve just been deemed the next addition to the Disney Princess lineup coupled with the sensation of sitting before an entire batch of warm-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies. Which is to say, we’re feeling good.

The always-lovely Nina Simone understands.