Being a black-magic problem solver is underrated.
That is exactly what Stephen Scaff, Head of Interactive is:

a no-bullshit straight shooter that will tell you like it is and you will thank him for it.
(Because let’s face it: your brand depends on it).
Don’t let his thuggish appearance trick you – Stephen may have been brought up in the hard streets of Pittsburgh, but it was his tough upbringing that led him to build his own computer at the age of seven, master code, cut his teeth on the wheels of steel as a top rated Bar Mitzvah DJ, and go on to be the Head of Interactive at Urban Influence. And behind his tough shell, lies a passionate creative – hellbent on delivering the finest web experience man has ever known – straight to your face & fingertips.
In this week’s installment of “Inside The Coop,” Stephen answers your hard-hitting questions in regards to life, punk actors, horror films, and soup. It is Urban Influence’s honor to present to you, the official no-nonsense Q&A sit-down with a true baller: ladies and gentlemen: Stephen “Stick And Move” Scaff.
We hope you’ll enjoy these videos as much as we enjoy sharing them.
Please send your questions and thoughts to: [email protected]
More from Inside The Coop:
Coffee Fueled Aging Art Director Chaun Osburn
Art Director & Unicorn Hunter Mary Rauzi
Lead Developer & Deep Thinker Chris Loper