
Where’s Your Video?

Content Is King: Polished Video Reigns Supreme

Written by Pete Wright

Many many years go, in a time called the 1990’s, (look it up, kids) the internet emerged to the general public. Websites were simple, and not aesthetically pleasing to the masses. Receiving an email was a thrill – not a chore, and overall the experience was both thrilling and bizarre.

It’s now 2016.
Websites – even for a small business – are no longer a luxury: they are a necessity. Existing on the web in any social platform is easy and is crucial to your business. The basic platforms are free and available for you to go out and succeed in the world, and good design is key to one’s brand, image, and presence.

I love discussing websites with friends and colleagues, discovering why/how sites & logos are designed and what lies behind each design concept. Some are simple, some obvious, and some very abstract. Most of these business owners check all the boxes for online presence: website, social media (ie; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). Their online store is easy to use, and their blog is updated often for their many followers, fanbase, or customers.

Big whoop.
Everybody does this.

The single element that I notice is missing from business sites: branded video content. I’m not talking about some wobbly selfie vid or a bullshit Snapchat video shared on social media with a shelf-life of 18 hours. Your baby brother/sister can do that with zero effort. I’m talking about a carefully strategized, well branded marketing tool that ultimately directs people to that shiny new website of yours and sells your business/services/product better than some long-winded ABOUT page rhetoric 24/7.

Video is the closest some customers may come to having that face-to-face with company leaders. Experiencing company culture strips away the blind-date feeling that gets people wanting to know even more about you and your business. If websites are a direct reflection of a brand or it’s culture, video can (and should) be the engaging content that ultimately seals the deal on reeling in new clients, customers, and even potential candidates.

So why don’t more people seek out video as a solution to marketing and website content? Video is a bridge tool that – if properly tailored, and fed – will ultimately live online and work FOR your business as its own all-star power-player sales machine.

Today, producing a stellar video for one’s business is just as essential as the website. Both tools complement one another and ultimately reinforce your content for the better. Video doesn’t need to be complex – little details can aid your brand in big ways.

Example: Pocket Prep

“Great – I’ve got a video for my business…now what do I do with it?”
Ultimately, your video should act the largest road sign that “points home” for potential leads & customers – wherever that may be for you: product pages, contact email, etc. Your video should be the direct link to driving better business, and like any good content, it starts with not being afraid to tackle the most transparent aspects of your brand.

Video should be impressive – not daunting.
Urban Influence is excited to provide high-end branded video services to promote you, your business, and lifestyle. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us in regards to video. We’d be honored to aid your business to that “next level” it deserves – no bullshit.

Oh, here’s a video I put together that showcases what we do:

Still need more proof? Here are some online video facts that you can oogle over while ignoring your weekend binge-fest of the new Fuller House on Netflix.